| | Profile-Rhys Roberts
| | Mr. Rhys Roberts FIA MAICD 1. Legal Division The Legal Division focuses on high stakes, superior court, game changing, investigative litigation, including public interest and Government litigation, particularly against Government decisions, often opposed to lawyers acting on behalf of the Government including national and international law firms and lawyers at ASIC. We often act in the most delicate confidential matters where reputational damage and the most significant issues are at play. Appeals to Courts of Appeal and the High Court.
Mr Roberts structures and leads the litigation team, a team effort involving lawyers working with experts, investment advisers, lobbyists and the communications team is integral to the great successes. Roberts Gray Lawyers is a pioneer of Agile Law. Through his invention of Agile Law, Roberts Gray Lawyers has access to 173 legal and non legal experts Australia wide, not readily available anywhere else. The team is currently winning and resolving the largest and most complex litigation matters in Australia. Roberts Gray Lawyers routinely achieves the impossible, winning cases and resolving disputes others claim are impossible.
The division has achieved positive outcomes globally, including the largest settlement results in Australian history for public law government matters, insurance, defamation, banking, personal injury, mining and employment disputes and significant success resolving the hardest fought matters where stakes are high. 2. Government Relations, Lobbying and Strategic Communications Division. RGL has advised on, and closed, significant inbound cross border transactions for large overseas investment into Australia. 3. Corporate Advisory Division RGL has advised on major global deals, particularly cross border inbound transactions. Leaders in Agile Law Mr Roberts is responsible for the overall direction and growth of RGL, including key client relationships and building international partnerships. Mr Roberts has been on the board of large international businesses and global charities and has advised and assisted with resolving disputes and closing deals for politicians, business leaders and celebrities in 33 countries.
Mr Roberts graduated from the Harvard University Leadership in Law Firms (LLF) program for senior law firm leaders and completed the program on campus at Harvard Law School in Boston in 2018 and graduated from The Harvard University Advanced Management Program (AMP) with full alumni status of HBS in 2021.
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