| | Advisory Board of Directors | | Mr. Effenus Henderson President and CEO, HenderWorks, Inc. http://www.henderworks.com/ Retired Chief Diversity Officer - Weyerhaeuser Company, Federal Way, Washington, USA Effenus Henderson is President and CEO of HenderWorks, Inc. (www.henderworks.com) and Co-Founder of Institute for Sustainable Diversity and Inclusion (www.i4sdi.org ). He served as Chief Diversity Officer for Weyerhaeuser Company, Federal Way, Washington until his retirement in December 2013. In this role he advised the CEO and senior management team on diversity, inclusion and affirmative action related matters. He has over 40 years of experience in a variety of human resources roles and responsibilities. He is an internationally recognized diversity thought leader and has been invited by numerous companies and organizations to share his expertise. He has provided advisory support on diversity to the US Federal Government’s EPA office, Office of Personnel Management, US Forest Service, State Department and the USDA. His background includes development of diversity and inclusion change agendas, formation and oversight of employee resource groups, and training and skill building workshops. |  | | Mr. Rhys Roberts FIA MAICD 1. Legal Division The Legal Division focuses on high stakes, superior court, game changing, investigative litigation, including public interest and Government litigation, particularly against Government decisions, often opposed to lawyers acting on behalf of the Government including national and international law firms and lawyers at ASIC. We often act in the most delicate confidential matters where reputational damage and the most significant issues are at play. Appeals to Courts of Appeal and the High Court.
Mr Roberts structures and leads the litigation team, a team effort involving lawyers working with experts, investment advisers, lobbyists and the communications team is integral to the great successes. Roberts Gray Lawyers is a pioneer of Agile Law. Through his invention of Agile Law, Roberts Gray Lawyers has access to 173 legal and non legal experts Australia wide, not readily available anywhere else. The team is currently winning and resolving the largest and most complex litigation matters in Australia. Roberts Gray Lawyers routinely achieves the impossible, winning cases and resolving disputes others claim are impossible.
The division has achieved positive outcomes globally, including the largest settlement results in Australian history for public law government matters, insurance, defamation, banking, personal injury, mining and employment disputes and significant success resolving the hardest fought matters where stakes are high. 2. Government Relations, Lobbying and Strategic Communications Division. RGL has advised on, and closed, significant inbound cross border transactions for large overseas investment into Australia. 3. Corporate Advisory Division RGL has advised on major global deals, particularly cross border inbound transactions. Leaders in Agile Law Mr Roberts is responsible for the overall direction and growth of RGL, including key client relationships and building international partnerships. Mr Roberts has been on the board of large international businesses and global charities and has advised and assisted with resolving disputes and closing deals for politicians, business leaders and celebrities in 33 countries.
Mr Roberts graduated from the Harvard University Leadership in Law Firms (LLF) program for senior law firm leaders and completed the program on campus at Harvard Law School in Boston in 2018 and graduated from The Harvard University Advanced Management Program (AMP) with full alumni status of HBS in 2021.
 | SCIENCE/EDUCATION | | Prof. (Dr.) Subhash Chandra Associate Professor.(Hon.) Intercultural Open University (IOU),Nl http://globalpeacefoundation.org/index.php GHA Ambassador of Peace and Disarmament from Harmony in India, http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=583 Mission: To promote Global Culture of Peace & Harmony through Peace & Harmonious Education and Transformational Leadership Presently: Education: - Ph.D. - Doctorate of Philosophy in’ Peace Education & Human Development Management from Inter-cultural Open University (IOU), Opeinde, NL.
- Postgraduate Diploma in Ecology & Environment from I.I.E.E New Delhi, India.
- Post Graduate Diploma in 'Industrial Engineering ', from NIBM, Sri Lanka
 | | | Prof.Dr.Abdelmadjid Amrani (Philosopher) Batna University, Lab of Dialogue between Civilizations http://www.amrani-lab-aocd.org/ Professor of Philosophy since 1998 DEGREES : - Baccalauréat :1976, Lettre and Human Sciences Blida, Algeria
- BA Philosophy :1981,University of Algiers
- M.Litt:1986, University of Glasgow G.B
- Ph.D :1990, University of Glasgow G B
Jobs and responsibilities - Honored with recognition by the university of Batna.June 25,2014.
- Award/ Gusi Peace Price International/ Laureate/November 27,2013 Manila, Philippines.
- Man of The Year 2011 for Algeria (ABI) web//www.abiworldwide.com
- Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities , University of Batna : 1999-2010.
- Director of Laboratory Research of Dialogue Between Civilizations and Globalization, since 2003.
- Member of the High Council for the Arabic Language, Algiers : 1998-2003
- President of the committee scientific research Dept of Political Science . university of Batna : 1992-1999.
- President of a research project on “the Future of Civilization Between Conflict and Dialogue”, 2005-2008.
- President of a research project on “The end of Philosophy and the Beginning of Modern History”, 1998-2001.
- Member in the Arabic Philosophy Society : Jordan 1995-2000.
- Member of Chinese Philosophy Society : 2007-2010.
- Member in the Sartre’s Philosophy Society for the North America 1997-2000.
- Full Professor in Political philosophy , University of Batna since 1998.
- Lecturer in Political Philosophy, University of Batna:1991-1994.
- Assistant teacher in Human Sciences, University of Batna 1998-1991.
- Proposed as UNESCO Chair of Philosophy , 2010 , Batna University.
 | SCIENCE  | | Dr. Ilija Najdovski PhD
Ilija Najdovski completed his undergraduate Bachelor of Science in 2006 at RMIT University in the field of Nanotechnology (major in chemistry) and a First Class Honours in Applied Chemistry researching gold nanoparticles in sensing the following year. Following his honours, Ilija completed his PhD in materials science focusing on electrochemical fabrication of metallic micro- and nanostructures and their applications in catalysis and sensing with results published in international journals. Ilija has experience within both academia and industry; working for an international biotechnology company and at RMIT University where he supervises post-graduate students, lectures in batteries, supercapacitors and assists with hydrogen fuel cell research. He is interested in future technological advancements in the fields of renewable energy and medical devices. He is co-founder of GDF/GDI, Global Shipment and Unity in Diversity. “If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed” - Albert Einstein  | FAITH, RELIGION & SCIENCE  | | Dr. Vasko M. Najdovski
Dr. Vasko M. Najdovski is trained as a medical doctor in his native Macedonia. He worked as a medical doctor in Macedonia and in Australia. He is the founder of Global Dialogue Foundation and various other organizations in Australia and abroad through which he expresses over 20 years of active humanitarian and philanthropic work. Working in this area, Dr. Najdovski developed a model with 3 major sectors for modernizing, transforming, remodeling and strengthening the global governance through UN systems. The model incorporates an "organized" civil sector on local, regional and global levels. Through dialogue and citizen diplomacy, which was widely used by Dr. Najdovski, it will help strengthen and pave paths for developing law and order in the wider community, coming from the needs of ordinary citizens, faiths, cultures and civilizations in years to come. Using "Dialogue" as a means towards the future, Dr Najdovski's work aims at building pathways and increased awareness for cooperation and dialogue among humans, nations, cultures, civilizations, religions, science and religion, also building bridges for cooperation, understanding and friendship. Also, working towards a brighter and safer sustainable environment while protecting our planet and opening wide avenues for space exploration and inhabiting space for common good. Dr. Najdovski has researched and written widely on bio-energy and bio- energy therapy over many years. At present, his focus and interest is scientific research and new technologies, particularly in the area of Bio-energy. He is promoting and initiating dialogue among faith and reason, where Bio-energy/Bio-energy Science will be a 'vehicle' for establishing long-awaited friendly dialogue among science and religion and bringing their thoughts closer for common good. Also, based on his 20+ years research and experience in the bio-energy/healing field, to offer mankind ground breaking/cutting-edge technologies.  | EDUCATION | | Arzumanyan Sofia
“NOOSFERA” was established as Education Support Foundation in 2003. Its activity focuses on working out various educational projects for children and youth. The main project is tolerance education. During 10 years the employees of the foundation created and held educational projects in such areas as art, applied science, business, religions, foreign languages, ecology, children’s charity, ethnography, astronomy etc.
Professional background
Expert in methods of teaching and organizing a teaching process.
Author of the first text-book for Russian Customs “English for Customs” Author of a number of books on teaching tolerance (Religious culture of the world, World kids’ games, Simulation game “UNESCO” etc) Author of a book “Fairy-tails for grown ups” on the basis of Hindu Mahabharata  | | | Elleni Bereded-Samuel
Elleni was born in Ethiopia. She has focused her life's work on strengthening education, training and employment for culturally and linguistically diverse communities in Australia. Elleni is now the Community Engagement Advisor & Coordinator at Victoria University. Her dynamic leadership has resulted in new solutions for community to access and participate in society. From 2005-2011 Elleni has served as the first African Commissioner appointed to the Victorian Multicultural Commission. For six years she has also served as Board of Directors of The Women’s Hospital and chaired the Community Advisory Committee and from 2008 -2011, Elleni has served as the inaugural member of Australian Social Inclusion Board. Elleni is a Director of the SBS Board & member of the Community Engagement Committee. Recently Elleni was appointed to Wester Health Board of Directors and chair of Cultural Diversity and Community Advisory Committee.
Elleni was one of the recipients of the VU Vice-Chancellor’s Citations and Award for Outstanding Engagement with Culturally And Linguistically Diverse(CALD) communities in Australia. She also received Victoria’s Premier Awards for Excellence in Multicultural Affairs in Education and Prime Minster International Year of Volunteers Award. Her name has been included on the Victorian Honour Roll of Women. She is also on 2006 “Who is Who Australian Women” among 4000 remarkable women in Australia. In 2008 Elleni was selected as one of twelve significant women in Victoria as part of 100 years of women’s suffrage reflection and celebration. Elleni is also participated at the 2020 Summit which brought together some of the best and brightest brain from across the country to tackle the long term strategy for the Nation’s future. In 2008 Elleni won the Diversity@Work Individual Champion Award for Diversity and Inclusion. Elleni was presented with her award by Sir Bob Geldof | FAMILY | | Evdoxia Gorgievski Starting her career in fashion, Evdoxia's experience includes merchandising and retail management. Since having three children and until this year (2009), Evdoxia has been passionately devoted to full-time motherhood. During this time, she has lived with her family in Asia, traveled frequently and has been upgrading her skills through various personal and business development programs. Evdoxia is a distributor of a leading technology in hydrotherapy and is actively working to improve health standards among families and citizens in general. | | | Elizabeth Najdovski Elizabeth graduated from legal college in her native Macedonia, where she was employed as a legal representative by one of the largest international trade holding companies. At present, Elizabeth has dedicated her time and passion for alternative, i.e. natural medicine, to studying Herbal Pharmacy and is achieving excellent results. | WOMEN ISSUES | | Name: Stanimira Hadjimitova
Gender Project for Bulgaria Foundation (GPF) was set up in 1995 as NGO in public benefit. There are 2 people working full time and 4 people part time. GPF is an advocacy group for promotion of gender equality in all spheres of the private and social life in Bulgaria, Europe and globally. GPF is a member of the European Women’s Lobby and the National Council on Gender Equality to the Council of Ministries of Bulgaria. The main spheres of work are: Development Education and ODA policy; Economic Rights of Women; Political Empowerment of Women; Media and its Role for Overcoming Gender Stereotypes; Roma Women Empowerment; Domestic Violence. Recent projects In 2013 GPF started to work on a 3-year project “Minorities Realities in the News” under Call EuropeAid/131141/C/ACT/Multi, as a partner of Minorities Rights Group International, UK. The specific objective of the project is: Journalists serving EU audiences are better equipped with the necessary tools and skills to shape public & decision maker opinions in new ways through achieving high quality, well informed, analytical & sensitive stories concerning the specific development needs, progress & problems of minority & indigenous communities in the global South. In September 2013 a new project “Support for Empowerment of Women from Northwestern Rural Region of Bulgaria”, financed by the NGO Programme in Bulgaria of the EEA Financial Mechanism will be started. GPF participates in the Working group on next planning period 2014-2010 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. As a member of the Bulgarian Platform for International Development (BPID), GPF took part in the CONCORD PCD Annual Seminar on January 30-31 2013 and its representative was included in a special TRIALOG Study visit to Brussels with PCD Focus, May 27 – 30, 2013  | | | Wajiha Haris Scheherazade Foundation’s mission is to serve children from all backgrounds irrespective of their race, religion or gender through building enduring partnerships with the government, the corporate sector and civil society. Scheherazade endeavors to improve healthcare, promote life saving advancements and sponsor protection of children, and is of the belief that true success comes through sharing of ideas, aspirations, convictions, and problems. http://www.fundatiascheherazade.ro/about-us/?lang=en
Previous UNICEF, UNDP and UNHCR. Wajiha has implemented projects with significant impact in Pakistan, Dubai, Czech Republic and Romania (where she currently resides).
Projects successfully completed include raising € 3 million for the complete renovation of the largest children’s hospital in Romania, renovation of a children’s ambulatory section in the city of Constanta which serves a population of 45,000 children around the region. She also raised funds for the renovation and vocational training seminars of a facility that houses abandoned/abused and drug addicted children  | CULTURE & PROJECT PACIFIC COMMUNITY - AFTER THE STORM
| | Bill Penrose Bill has worked in several local organisations such as festival committees, newspaper groups and community centres and has been a shire councillor for over 10 years at various times since 1991, including one year as mayor of the Shire of Nillumbik in Victoria, Australia. His passion is to improve community understanding of local government activities to allow them greater control of their own environment. He is currently a vice chairman of the Victorian Local Governance Association and is involved with several groups that work with and monitor council activities. Graduating as an engineer, Bill worked throughout Australia and overseas. This includes two years at Woomera in an international rocket program and two years in England helping design computer telephone exchanges. Bill has worked on computers and satellite systems since 1965 and is experienced in communications, electronics, computers and project management. He is the author of several user and training manuals for satellite base stations and network management systems and has designed and delivered training courses for several projects. He currently is working on a complete web based project for the management, entry and service delivery of a sporting activity. | CITIZENS, ORGANISATIONS & COMMUNITY
| | Vincent Chow Born Malaysia 1955 Migrated to Melbourne in Melbourne 1975 Accountant; Property Developer Chairperson, Federation of Chinese Association of Victoria Chairperson, Melbourne Chinatown Chinese New Year Festival Organising Committee Chairperson, Glen Waverly Chinese New Year & Lantern Festival Organising Committee President: Chinese Association of Victoria (2002 –2004) | | | Ikani Taliai Ikani migrated to Australia with his family from Tonga in 1980 and finished his secondary schooling in Australia. He went on to complete a Bachelor of Arts. Ikani’s career has included roles in Asset Management, Economic Development and teaching at secondary school level in Tonga. He has also competed professionally for Tonga in athletic events internationally including the 1990 Commonwealth Games.
Ikani is actively committed to community development having founded the Tongan Victorian Association Inc (TVA) which actively works towards addressing issues facing Tongan communities in Victoria and Australia. Furthermore, he has been working with leaders of Pacific Island communities in Victoria in establishing a peak body for Australians of Pacific Island heritage. A founding member and driving force behind the United Pasifika Council of Victoria (UPCOV), Ikani is particularly passionate about the interconnect of Pacific diasporic communities in Australia and the Pacific region.
Ikani has led the development of innovative models of engagement and dialogue, not only to highlight the issues faced by Pacific Island communities but to push major initiatives that significantly contributes to Australia's engagement with the Pacific. Ikani founded Ovava Limited, a not-for-profit organization with a Board of high profile individuals to purse this endeavor. | YOUTH  | | Aydan Karimli
2012 - Present: Acting Secretary-General 2011 - Present: MP Fuad Muradov Position: Assistant
The “Great Silk Way” International Youth Union was established for the purpose of coordination of activities of youth organizations, as well as representing and protecting common interests of the countries historically located on the silk route. The main objective and scope of activities of the organization is intercultural and interreligious dialogue, globalization issues. http://gswyouth.org/ Education: Azerbaijan State Economic University - MBA - International Business Previous 2011-2012: OGAE Azerbaijan (Official Eurovision Fan Club in Azerbaijan) Position: PR manager, Copywriter.
Volunteer work 2011-2013: Council of Europe - “Youth Peace Ambassadors” project 2009 - Jun 2012: NAYORA (National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan), Member of the International Relations Department  | | | Enisa Murseli-Gjokaj
Founder: Working in NGO sector on Women Empowerment, Youth Development and Leadership, achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.
Enisa holds a bachelor's degree from the New York College Thessaloniki-Greece, Empire State Collage USA from the department of Political Science in the field of International Relations.
Previous: Project Coordinator of Drugs, Aids and Prostitution – IOM; Better think than act! IOM and USAID; “Women in politics” - Robert Schumann Foundation; Women Rights Campaign– Municipality of Tetovo and OSCE; The Women Votes and the Gender Gap- US Embassy Skopje | HEALTH | | Mark Mayes Mark is currently practicing Chinese medicine in Williamstown and Melbourne, registered with Chinese medicine registration board and is a Victorian committee member of Australian Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Association. He completed his internship at Shu Guan Hospital Shanghai, China and graduated with a double degree from Victoria University in 2008. Since 1996 Mark has been building a solid foundation and reputation as a nationally accredited instructor in internal martial arts (Tai Chi, Ba Gua Zhang and Xing Yi Chuan) and in 2001, 2003 and 2004 won national competitions. His achievements clearly demonstrate his competence, diligence and insightful knowledge in the magnum opus of Chinese medicine. | RELIGION | | Ven. Lobsang Tendar Ven. Lobsang Tendar comes from Kham, Eastern Tibet. Ordained at Dego Samdupling Monastery at the age of 12, Tendar left for Lhasa shortly after. In Lhasa, he joined Gyuto Monastery and trained as a monk for 7 years. In 1989, he made the journey across the Himalayas to join the Tibetan community in India. There, he continued his studies for a further 14 years at Gyuto Monastery in Northern India, specializing in tantric chanting, meditation and butter sculptures and sand mandala. Tendar has participated in interfaith events, chanted for world peace, healed sick children and the elderly, provided guidance to misguided individuals, worked with the Indigenous community and blessed the land and environment of Australia through his sand mandalas, prayers and offerings. Read full profile | | | Kevin Meese Kevin is an Executive Officer of Catholic Mission Melbourne. Catholic Mission works in partnership with local Church communities in the Majority World. It provides support through spiritual, pastoral care and building programs. Catholic Mission works to educate Australians about mission and justice, encouraging engagement with global mission. It focuses on the development of local Church leadership, and provides support to children of the Majority World. Education, health care, shelter, food and personal development programs form the basis of our outreach programs. Kevin Meese's involvement in Catholic Mission stretches over 10 years. The challenge of engagement with local communities in need form the inspiration for his work, which strives to make real the Gospel message of hope and transformation for all people. | | | In addition to being the Chief Minister of the St Kilda Hebrew Congregation and past President of the Orthodox Rabbis of Australia and New Zealand, Rabbi Philip Heilbrunn is also a highly gifted cantor and vocal artist of international reputation. He sings and collaborates with some of the world's greatest cantors and choirs on a regular basis. Prior to his arrival in Melbourne, Rabbi Heilbrunn was a Rabbi and popular Cantor of several large Jewish congregations in South Africa, the North Shore Synagogue (Sydney) and subsequently Chief Minister of the Adelaide Hebrew Congregation. He has enjoyed much success as a Rabbi, Cantor, lecturer, educator and counsellor. Rabbi Heilbrunn has involved himself in all aspects of the Cantorial and Jewish Liturgical art and the promotion of Jewish Synagogue music throughout the Community. Rabbi Heilbrunn's involvement in Synagogue life dates back to his youth: he was encouraged to take an active role in the services at his Boarding School and later at the Linksfield Senderwood Synagogue. Later he became the Junior Minister (Chazan Sheni) of that Synagogue while at the same directing the Jewish Activities Program at the King David Schools Hostel. Whilst continuing his studies towards Law and Arts degrees, he became a lecturer at the Jewish Students University Program, an institution which had been founded by his fellow Rabbinical students and himself. Read full profile | | | Mosese Naluwau Koroimata Methodist Church of Fiji & Rotuma - Church Minister/Reverend My name is Mosese Naluwau Koroimata I?m from Solevu village at Malolo Island, Fiji Island. I was born 20.05.1986 I?m married with one son. 1992 - 1999 Attending Malolo District School - Grade 1 to Grade 8 2000 - 2002 Attending Ba Provincial High School - Form 3 ? Form 5 2003 - 2004 Attending Fiji National University (Studying Business Management), Part-time in Carrier Management Training System (Studying Certificate and Advance level in Computer Studies). 2005 - 2007 Attending Jansen Bible Institute (Studying Certificate in Theology), Part-time in Service Pro Vocational Studies (Studying Hotel Management and Tailoring). 2010 - 2012 Attending Davuilevu Theological College (Studying Diploma In Theology) 2013 - 2017 At this period I am doing my field studies. After this five year period and I?ll be posted to another part of Fiji to continue my vocation. | | | Kiran Bali MBE JP
Kiran Bali MBE JP has carried out action around interfaith cooperation and community relations for many years, She was awarded the MBE honour in the UK, and her interfaith efforts have been recognised globally. She has addressed the UN general assembly on women's empowerment and interfaith dialogue and been the keynote speaker at environmental conferences as an Ambassador for Climate action. She brings strength at both a leadership and a grassroots level as a global Hindu interfaith leader | ENVIRONMENT - MARINE | | Doug Woodring Doug was born in California, but has worked in Asia for over 17 years.He is an environmental and technology entrepreneur, as well as a water sports enthusiast. Prior to working with start ups, he created a framework for a global environmental technology fund at Merrill Lynch in 1998. He is currently working with a variety of renewable energy technologies, including micro wind, wave, and for buildings, living vertical green walls. He is the chairman of the Environmental Committee at the American Chamber in Hong Kong, organizer of two open water swim races, and well connected throughout the region in the areas of the environment and new media technologies. He has a BA from UC Berkeley,an MA in Environmental Economics from Johns Hopkins (SAIS), and an MBA from Wharton. | ENVIRONMENT - CLIMATE CHANGE  | | Mr. Scott Leckie
Director and Founder of Displacement Solutions (www.displacementsolutions.org), an organisation dedicated to resolving cases of forced displacement throughout the world, in particular displacement caused by climate change and conflict. In 2009 Scott founded Oneness World (www.onenessworld.org), an institution dedicated to developing alternative forms of global governance grounded in global citizenship. He is also Founder of the Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE - www.cohre.org), an organisation he headed from 1991-2007. He regularly advises several United Nations agencies and has worked on human rights issues in 65 countries. He was the driving force behind more than 50 international human rights standards, and has published 12 books and over 100 articles and reports on issues including housing rights, economic, social and cultural rights, forced evictions, the right to housing and property restitution for refugees and internally displaced persons and other human rights themes. He frequently lectures and regularly teaches several human rights courses.  | ENVIRONMENT - SANCTUARIES  | | Nigel Williamson
Nigel began his career as an animal rescue officer with RSPCA in 1985. Since starting “Nigel's Animal Rescue” in 1991, Nigel has rescued literally thousands of animals and is widely known amongst Victorians. Nigel offers a unique service to the public, to government departments, local councils, real estate agents, emergency services, Victoria Police and wildlife groups. In 2004 fate took a hand in Nigel's affairs and he met his star-cross lover with also a passion for animals. In March 2006, Sharon Rustman and Nigel Williamson got married, sold their respective homes and decided to purchase a 5 acre property in Devon Meadows. Nigel's Animal Rescue business has received a Certificate of Honorable Mention from Australian Wildlife Protection Council. In 1999, Nigel was awarded a Certificate for excellence in customer relations from Australian Achiever Awards and Melbourne's 3AK radio station. |  | | Fleur Butcher Fleur grew up in the hills of Perth surrounded by wildlife. From a very early age, she assisted in the care of many species of wildlife as a carer. Her passion for animals and the environment grew from this beautiful bush setting. Fleur's family were active members of the Darling Range Naturalist club. They spent all their holidays camping in the bush and learning about Australian wildlife. Fleur has volunteered her spare time to assist wildlife both land and sea. She spent time with the Bunbury dolphin trust, and Underwater World. She has assisted with research on Bottle-nosed dolphins, Humpback whales, and Mahakam River dolphins. She was an active member of west whales attending many whale strandings. She started her dream job at the Perth zoo 20 years ago. It did not take long to discover her passion for primates, enrichment, training and especially orangutans. In 1996, she followed her passion to Kalimantan where she worked at the Wanariset Reintroduction Centre for 18 months. Fleur was nominated for young Australian of the year for her work with orangutans. Since then, she has been an active supporter and committee member of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation returning frequently to Indonesia with donations and medical supplies. Fleur was a founding member of BOS Australia. In 2007, Fleur put together the successful welding for welfare program which is still ongoing. She was employed by Zoos Victoria in 2000. Fleur has actively contributed to the formalisation of enrichment and training on the rainforest precinct. She has played an integral part in the development of the new Orangutan Sanctuary at Melbourne Zoo. She now works on the trail precinct. Fleur specialises in the care and management of Siamangs and Orangutans. | BUSINESS  | | Mr. Mike Handcock From a background as a financial planner, senior manager of New Zealand's largest financial institution and Master Wealth Coach for XL Results Foundation, the leading entrepreneur organization in the world Mike Handcock is an innovator, author, musician and professional international speaker and coach. He has written six books including a best seller nominated for self improvement book of the year. His books are available in 6 countries. Mike has spoken and coached more than 30,000 people in twenty countries. He has been called Asia's leading Edu-Tainer and one of the Top Ten Coaches in Asia Pacific. He consistently scores over ten out of ten on the quality of his coaching.
With a background in senior management for a leading corporate, Mike is an entrepreneur. He currently owns no less than five businesses globally and is a board member of SAGE Foundation committed to assisting underprivileged children in India. Mike is a passionate musician with nine albums to his credit and is a life member and master wealth coach of XL Results Foundation now the world's largest entrepreneur network. Rock Your Life- is driven by Mike's passion to assist others to play a bigger game for themselves and the planet through attaining wealth, purpose and to have an extraordinary life, with a social conscience. It is an incredible life shaping experience that combines music, education and philosophy | | | Iliana Schmatelka, MBA Organization: INTLI, International Leadership Institute 2012 - Present: Founder & Managing Director Strategic consulting, Business Coaching, Interim and change management, Training and workshops Education: Master of economics University of Economics, Sofia, Master Diploma, 1. US MBA Diploma (AACSB accredited) 2. EMBA Diploma Carlson School of Management – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Executive Academy - Austrian University of Economics, Vienna Previous: October 201 - ongoing: Senior Adviser - Mattig Management Partners, Vienna, Austria www.mattig-management.at August 2011 - ongoing: Freelance senior finance consultant: M27 Finance GmbH, Vienna www.m27.eu 2009 - 2011: General Manager Immorent Slovakia and the Slovakian subsidiaries of S IMMO AG and Immorent AG (more than 20 companies) Read full profile | | | Bill Kardamitsis JP Managing Director / CEO at Atlas Import Export and Trading Experienced and Succesful Business Owner and Operator in a range of Industries in Australia
Profound political career, Member of the "Australian Labour Party" Candidate for the Federal Electorate Seat of Wills in 1992-1993 with the Australian Labour Party. Elected Councilor twice in the City of Coburg. Extensive community involvement (founding member of the Coburg Community Health centre; Founder and Coordinator of the St Basil’s Homes for the Aged in Victoria, Australia; Representative Member of the Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria, Australia. | MEDIA | | Miomir Rajcevic CURRENT OCCUPATIONS: President of the Media Education Centre, President of the Global-TION, Head of Media Laboratory; Balkan PLUS International Film Festival, Artistic Director; Executive Director of the International Youth Media Summit…
Miomir Rajcevic is Director, Cinematographer and Scriptwriter, working as an author/co-author on serials: At The Edge of Permitted ; The Color of my Life; Author of TV serial for youth PORTRAITS, Author of TV serial TRIPTYCH about young people with handicap... He has more than 35 years of experience in filming and producing 16mm and 35mm films for TV in several hundred projects covering documentaries, educational, theatrical, art and news reports, short and animated films etc., as well as of ENG , Digital and HD productions. Always very much involved in work with young people (Young directors, presenters and actors) specially producing for young people in many serials  | | | George Salloum
President, Radio 3zzz 92.3 FM
I was born in Syria and migrated to Australia in 1974 as a young man I have studied Aeronautical engineering in Melbourne and worked in that field till about 1985 and after that I have completed various studies in building and architectural studies and started my business in designing and building various construction projects the business still operating till now. Married with 2 children’s boys both university graduates. Since I came to Australia I was involved in community volunteer work which became my passion I have represented the Syrian community in Australia in different ways since early 1980 and currently I am the president of the Syrian Expatriate Association of Victoria, convener of the Syrian broadcasting group at 3zzz radio station, and co convener of the Syrian advisory Group with Chris Pipers from Torque Aid which mainly consist of many NGO and some related government bodies, focusing on the latest crises and the plight of Syrian refugees around the world and trying to build bridges between different sectors of the community to charter a way for long lasting peaceful solution. In 1989 I was a founding member of Radio 3zzz 92.3 FM, in 1996 I was elected to 3zzz as board member since them my position progressed to secretary of the association and then 2008 I was elected as the president of the association a position which is still current. In 2009 I was elected as an executive of the NEMBC and that is the federal peak body of community radio stations in Australia and was reelected since to that position representing Victoria. 3ZZZ radio station is the largest ethnic radio station in Australia giving media access to over 80 different community in over seventy languages, it is the result of hardworking grassroots of thousands of members, the dedication of hundreds of volunteers the vision of 3zzz leadership is to promote dialogue understating and value the others contributions. It is indeed a mini united nations of various groups working together to advance the cause of global peace. We can now be heard in three different ways: 92.3FM, Digital Radio and Live Streaming through the Web. We still have the weeks programs archived on the website. We have also been visited by foreign politicians, several Parliamentarians and hosted different forums related to our industry  | ART | | John Smithies
Director, Cultural Development Network (appointed December 2005) John is an arts manager with experience working on policy development and a background of arts programming, specifically in cinema, new media arts, and screen education. He studied at the Tasmanian School of Art, the South Australian School of Art, Monash University and the Academy of Fine Art Karlsruhe, Germany. From 1992, John was Director of the State Film Centre of Victoria leading it through its development as the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) and was responsible for opening the new public facilities at Federation Square in Melbourne in October 2002. John left ACMI in 2004 and joined CDN in 2005 as Director. Since then, he has worked with the CDN Board and a highly skilled team to support stronger arts planning within the cultural development activities of local government.  | | | Colin McKinnon-Dodd
Colin is Mia Mia Gallery’s founder, as well as its principle artist, educator and curator. Over the past 15 years, Colin has been a founding member of many Indigenous initiatives throughout Australia including the Aboriginal Actors Corporation, Wadamba Bic, One-Fire Dance Troope and the Aboriginal Arts Development Trust. In addition, he initiated a Community Theatre Diploma Course for Indigenous actors and production designers at the Victorian College of the Arts in response to television and theatrical agents request for more trained Indigenous actors. Colin is a lecturer in cultural awareness, Indigenous art and education. He has delivered significant performance and visual arts exhibitions as part of the Indigenous component of over 44 festivals and events. He is also a visual artist having exhibited at the National Gallery of Victoria, Manningham Gallery, Narana Creations and at many group shows both private and public. Colin has curated collections of significant Indigenous art works for TEAC and many other corporations, councils, shires and private collectors. He liaises with Indigenous visual artists and the corporate and government sector in both advocacy and commercial transaction activities to achieve the best outcomes for his community. Many Aboriginal people who wish to participate more fully in the visual arts industry consider him their mentor. Colin actively seeks out opportunities for Indigenous artists to exploit their own imagery on their own terms, enabling income streams that consolidate their longevity in the industry; one that will benefit the artists, their families and their communities. Whilst setting up the Aboriginal Artists Development Trust, Colin was responsible for the introduction of the Lin Onus Award into the Victorian Indigenous Art Awards. The award was given out for an outstanding work by an Indigenous artist aged 30 years and under. Through Colin’s efforts The Peter Brock Foundation sponsored the award for two years and it became not only an integral part of the ceremony but it also acted as a testament to Lin Onus’ legacy. |
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