| | What We Do
CURRENT PROJECT - FINALIZED  | UNITED CIVILIZATIONS® CITIZENS ASSEMBLY CREATING GLOBAL INCLUSIVE SOCIETY AND CULTURE OF PEACE From a scientific viewpoint, it is well-known that all living beings originating from a common ancestry, can and will change their appearance over time. In other words, their DNA will mutate – mainly in order to adapt to new challenges and to survive. Over time, this leads to developing variations in species. Ultimately, they will be known as “others” to each other and although they have common ancestors, they’re extremely different and this applies to just about all living beings... Read more | | In collaboration with United Nations Alliance of Civilizations  | GDF UNITY IN DIVERSITY BRIDGING CULTURES, CIVILIZATIONS & ETHNICITIES TOWARDS PEACE & PROSPERITY GDF Unity in Diversity works in the field of citizen diplomacy and uses 'dialogue' to promote intercultural understanding. In collaboration with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), our objective is to initiate, promote and foster cooperation among the global community in a range of intercultural initiatives that aim to establish a peaceful and safer coexistence. Read more | |  | GLOBAL DIALOGUE Building avenues through dialogue among cultures, civilisations, religions, faiths, civil sectors, government and non-government organisations in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. The project is aimed at getting to know each other and the rest of the world so that the East and West can FINALLY meet to shake hands in a friendly and sincere manner and build the world together. | |  | EDUCATION - PUBLISHING LIGHT AN INTRODUCTION & BASIC TO DIALOGUE AMONG FAITH & REASON This book presents fundamental knowledge and is scientifically based, the first of its kind as far as we know. It is an introduction and basic into dialogue among faith and reason and creative evolution theory with an explanation from subatomic and quantum physics, as it enters the deepest mysteries of us-humans, of our world and universe and also possible other realms and dimensions of existence, paving a path for scientifically based standards for a moral and ethically based life and more... This material is extraordinary for today's world. Such a noble gesture is only expected from people like Jesus, Buddha or others similar. It is eternal and offers a pathway to follow... Read more | | | RESEARCH/DEVELOPMENT - BIO-ENERGY | BIO-ENERGY SCIENCE ENERGY MEDICINE, AN INTRODUCTION & BASIC TO ENERGY MEDICINE Bio-energy therapy (quantum electromagnetic touch therapy) is the most powerful of the alternative medicinal methods. The material presented is from the domain of subatomic physics, more precisely, quantum physics, quantum mechanics, and has resulted from 25 years of dedicated research and practice. | | NEXT PROJECTS - INITIATIVE STAGE  | MODERNISING COUNTRIES IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD This major project aims at a large scale redistribution of under-utilised materials from developed to underdeveloped countries. The goal is to improve living conditions and contribute to creating a balanced and progressive human development on our planet. | |  | GDF - GLOBAL VILLAGE CONSULTING, EDUCATION, COACHING (GDF ACADEMIA - EDUCATION) In this section, you'll find projects related to Global Dialogue Foundation's local/ global education and consulting mission. | | FUTURE GOALS  | CULTURES & SMALL ISLANDS ISSUES A system of projects for the small islands to re-group and become a strength in protecting their cultural heritage and their way of life, while addressing problems experienced during this unfortunately difficult time of climate change. | |  | ENVIRONMENT - OCEAN RECOVERY ALLIANCE REDUCING PLASTIC POLLUTION ON LAND AND WATER As a major environmental concern, our aims include engaging universities and expertise from around the world for increasing the levels of study and awareness. Also, to establish a lobby group for working with governments in expediting the provision of resources in support of Ocean Recovery Alliance. Read more 1, 2, 3, | | | COMMUNITY - GLOBAL VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT ROCK YOUR LIFE/SAGE VILLAGES SAGE Foundation and Rock Your Life seek to end hunger and impoverishment by educating and providing villagers with handicraft skills so that they can be self-sufficient. | | | AFTER THE STORM - LOCAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MELBOURNE FIRE AFFECTED AREAS Responding to new world challenges, this project involves establishing facilities and functional centres in service to citizens - addressing valuable issues and supporting local community development. | |  | ENVIRONMENT - GDF SANCTUARY GDF SANCTUARY This project aims to support sustainable wildlife sanctuary development around the world, expanding animal habitats and safeguarding our animal world. | | GDF SECTORS | UNIVERSAL DIALOGUE - GDF SECTORS LINKS TO RELATED ARTICLES | | | Disclaimer: Global Dialogue Foundation reserves the right to disassociate from activities of its members, for which it is unaware or has not been informed, at all times and based on any and all circumstances.
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