| | Coordinative Board of Directors - GDF Sectors
| | Peter (Pece) Gorgievski Director-General Chairman & C.E.O Peter is a humankind enthusiast devoted to humanitarian progress. He is a global citizen. Peter's greatest passion and focus is creating a culture of peace throughout the world. He is co-founder of GDF, Global Shipment and Unity in Diversity. Brief History: Global Dialogue Foundation 2018-Current: Chairman & C.E.O. 2007-17: Director-General & C.E.O. 2013-Current: Director, The OCAM Group P/L • OCAM Global Logistics • OCAM 4x4 Accessories
2011-14: Founding Vice Chairperson & Secretary - CL Network Vic Inc. / Whittlesea Community Leadership Network (WCLN) - WCLN is a not-for-profit community association working under auspices of the City of Whittlesea. It provides leadership training and capacity building via access to resources for community-based organisations and cultural and ethnic groups. WCLN facilitates intercultural dialogue and integration with mainstream society. 2001-07: Managing Director, DGX-Asia Pacific. Jointly establishing and developing new companies in several countries. 1999-01: Vice President, Direct Container Line/NACA Logistics-FE Asia, stationed in Hong Kong and Singapore. 1992-99: Direct Container Line-Melbourne, held various positions including State Manager. | | | Iliana Schmatelka, MBA - Deputy Director-General, GDF / Unity in Diversity-World Civil Society Vice President - Business/Corporate Country: Austria Organization: INTLI, International Leadership Institute 2012 - Present: Founder & Managing Director Strategic consulting, Business Coaching, Interim and change management, Training and workshops Education: Master of economics University of Economics, Sofia, Master Diploma, 1. US MBA Diploma (AACSB accredited) 2. EMBA Diploma Carlson School of Management – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Executive Academy - Austrian University of Economics, Vienna Previous: October 201 - ongoing: Senior Adviser - Mattig Management Partners, Vienna, Austria www.mattig-management.at August 2011 - ongoing: Freelance senior finance consultant: M27 Finance GmbH, Vienna www.m27.eu 2009 - 2011: General Manager Immorent Slovakia and the Slovakian subsidiaries of S IMMO AG and Immorent AG (more than 20 companies) Read full profile | | | Vasan Srinivasan - Assistant Director-General, General Matters / Field Coordinator - Director, USS Australia Pty Ltd - providing assistance to overseas students. The organisation promotes and facilitates the enrollment of overseas students in Victoria, Australia from around the globe. - President, Federation of Indian Association of Victoria (FIAV) o Since FIAV's establishment in 1989, actively participated in its activities o Former Chairman of Advisory board - Member - Livingstone Primary School Council: Vermont South - VIC o Living locally for the past 22 years o Concerned about the education at primary school council - Member - Melbourne Lord Mayor's Charitable Funds Grants Committee o Member of Family Panel since 2003 o Actively involved in Grants & Funding preparation for the family panel - De Attaché - 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games - Indian Contingent | | | Graziella Thake, Assistant Director-General, New Zealand, Small Islands/Project Pacific Director- Cultures, Civilisations & Ethnicity CEO & Founder of ICP Conscious Academy Graziella Thake, the founder and director of ICP Global Academy, its Leadership Institutes and the foundation for Social responsibility is an executive coach, and ex forensic and corporate psychologist who has come form a long history of philanthropy and professional work. Graziella brings much more to executive coaching than simply her extensive experience gained by the position of Director and CEO of various companies. She also brings the knowledge and experience of many years practicing Forensic Psychology, Sports and Team Psychology and Organisational Psychology. Graziella uses this knowledge not only to help individuals and organisations attain success but also to give back to the community in which we all operate. Ten percent of Graziella's time, as aligned with our company philosophy, is dedicated to CSR and of recent times this has risen with the dedication to the development of the foundation for social responsibility, | | | Ben J. Bickford - Assistant C.E.O, Global Technology & Development / Field Coordinator Ben is a dynamic, passionate and successful ITC strategist with more than two decades of global experience in commerce, communications and software solutions. In addition to his own entrepreneurial business ventures, Ben has worked for several organizations of distinction, including: - EMC² Corporation
- MicroStrategy
- Vitria
- BroadVision
- InterWorld Corporation
- Telstra
- Monash University
Ben brings a vast depth and breadth of strategic advisory and solution-based consulting experience spanning various industries and international markets, including: Read full profile | | | Andrew Cass - Treasurer-General / Field Coordinator Since graduating in1983 with a degree in Accounting, Andrew's professional life has encompassed the provision of financial advice to individuals and businesses of varying size.
In 1994, Andrew established the accounting practice Cambel Cass (Melbourne), to continue and expand his involvement in the finance industry through the provision of a quality and timely advice.
In more recent years Andrew has endeavored to increase his involvement in local community based organizations that require the assistance of professionals without the associated cost. | | | Evdoxia Gorgievski - Director, Family / Field Coordinator Secretary GDF Coordinative Board of Directors - Office Managing Coordinator Starting her career in fashion, Evdoxia's experience includes merchandising and retail management. Since having three children and until 2009, Evdoxia has been passionately devoted to full-time motherhood. During this time, she has lived with her family in Asia, traveled frequently and has been upgrading her skills through various personal and business development programs. Evdoxia is a distributor of a leading technology in hydrotherapy and is actively working to improve health standards among families and citizens in general. | | | Mark Mayes, Director - Alternative/Natural Medicine / Traditional Chinese Medicine Mark is currently practicing Chinese medicine in Williamstown and Melbourne, registered with Chinese medicine registration board and is a Victorian committee member of Australian Acupuncture Chinese Medicine Association. He completed his internship at Shu Guan Hospital Shanghai, China and graduated with a double degree from Victoria University in 2008. Since 1996 Mark has been building a solid foundation and reputation as a nationally accredited instructor in internal martial arts (Tai Chi, Ba Gua Zhang and Xing Yi Chuan) and in 2001, 2003 and 2004 won national competitions. His achievements clearly demonstrate his competence, diligence and insightful knowledge in the magnum opus of Chinese medicine. | | | Doug Woodring - Director, Environment - Marine / Field Coordinator Doug was born in California, but has worked in Asia for over 17 years.He is an environmental and technology entrepreneur, as well as a water sports enthusiast. Prior to working with start ups, he created a framework for a global environmental technology fund at Merrill Lynch in 1998. He is currently working with a variety of renewable energy technologies, including micro wind, wave, and for buildings, living vertical green walls. He is the chairman of the Environmental Committee at the American Chamber in Hong Kong, organizer of two open water swim races, and well connected throughout the region in the areas of the environment and new media technologies. He has a BA from UC Berkeley,an MA in Environmental Economics from Johns Hopkins (SAIS), and an MBA from Wharton. | | | Mihajlo (Michael) Najdovski - Director - Science, Research & Technology / Field Coordinator Biotechnology graduate, currently working as a Microbiologist for one of the worlds leading pharmaceutical companies in the plasma industry. With a strong interest in genetics and life extension techniques, Michael will be undertaking further studies in the field of Biomolecular principles. Michael is also a strong believer in well-being and disease prevention through proper eating habits and an active lifestyle. He has commenced his further Biotechnology/ Bio-molecular studies. He is co-founder of GDF/GDI, Global Shipment and Unity in Diversity. |  | | Dr. Ilija Najdovski PhD Nanotechnology - Director - Science, Research & Technology / Field Coordinator Ilija Najdovski completed his undergraduate Bachelor of Science in 2006 at RMIT University in the field of Nanotechnology (major in chemistry) and a First Class Honours in Applied Chemistry researching gold nanoparticles in sensing the following year. Following his honours, Ilija completed his PhD in materials science focusing on electrochemical fabrication of metallic micro- and nanostructures and their applications in catalysis and sensing with results published in international journals. Ilija has experience within both academia and industry; working for an international biotechnology company and at RMIT University where he supervises post-graduate students, lectures in batteries, supercapacitors and assists with hydrogen fuel cell research. He is interested in future technological advancements in the fields of renewable energy and medical devices. He is co-founder of GDF/GDI, Global Shipment and Unity in Diversity. “If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed” - Albert Einstein | | | Ven. Lobsang Tendar, (Tibetan Buddhist Monk) - Director-Religion & Faith / Field Coordinator Ven. Lobsang Tendar comes from Kham, Eastern Tibet. Ordained at Dego Samdupling Monastery at the age of 12, Tendar left for Lhasa shortly after. In Lhasa, he joined Gyuto Monastery and trained as a monk for 7 years. In 1989, he made the journey across the Himalayas to join the Tibetan community in India. There, he continued his studies for a further 14 years at Gyuto Monastery in Northern India, specializing in tantric chanting, meditation and butter sculptures and sand mandala. Tendar has participated in interfaith events, chanted for world peace, healed sick children and the elderly, provided guidance to misguided individuals, worked with the Indigenous community and blessed the land and environment of Australia through his sand mandalas, prayers and offerings. Read full profile | | | Carolyn Briggs - Director- Cultures, Civilisations & Ethnicity / Citizens, Organis. & Community / Field Coordinator Carolyn is an elder of the Boon Wurrung people, who are the traditional owners of the country that starts at the Werribee River and extends east, through part of the city of Melbourne and as far east as Wilson's Promontory. Carolyn has devoted most of her working life to advancing the cause of her people and inheriting traditional and customary responsibilities associated with her country, people and culture. She has been actively involved in significant community development projects, in advocacy, native title, social reform and cultural promotion. She has been involved in negotiating Indigenous Land Use Agreement [under the Native Title Act] and establishing and managing education & support programs at University level. |  | Dr Shahid Yamin - Director Dr Shahid Yamin, PhD, MBA, B Tech Hons CEO Business Innovation & Growth (BIG) coaching and consulting Dr Yamin is currently the CEO of Business Innovation & Growth (BIG) coaching and consulting company. He has over 30 years of diverse professional experience in industry, consulting, and academia. Dr Yamin created and spearheaded Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Developing Countries with a grant of 10 Million US dollars in Oman, and Emirates Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship with a grant of 1.25 Million US dollars in UAE. The purpose of these centers was to act as a catalyst in the development of innovation and entrepreneurship eco system. Dr Yamin’s Corporate and Consulting experience include senior positions in BHP, Hoechst, UNIDO and Water Boards and as the member of the Board in several institutions. Academic administrative experience includes Assistant Dean Research and Graduate Studies, Director of DBA and MBA Programs. He has over 50 publications in prestigious international journals, on variety of business related topics. Dr Yamin have trained, coached and mentored young adults and business executives in multicultural settings across the globe to develop entrepreneurial mindset embedded with creativity and innovation skills. Many of these individuals have become highly successful entrepreneurs and are currently operating multimillion dollar enterprises. Others are working in very senior executive positions making significant contribution to their respective companies and the society. He brings a deep-seated conviction and passion to his training program that inspires and motivate participants to identify, evaluate and execute emerging opportunities. Trainees are not deterred by ambiguity, hurdles, or failures, instead they approach them with tenacity, perseverance and courage to achieve success in their endeavors. Dr Yamin is an internationally accredited EDISC profiler. He has helped companies to create cohesive and dynamic teams committed to create cultural transformations in alignment with corporate values. Select epic new employees based on technical and managerial skills and, emotional intelligence to accelerate innovation. Developed leaders who become the catalyst in facilitating a work environment that stimulate and utilize the full potential of the human capital . Dr Yamin has delivered keynote addresses and expert panel presentations in business forums around the globe. More recently, he presented a key note address on Perspectives of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the development of African community in Australia at the Australian African Business Council Forum in Melbourne. As an expert panel speaker, he presented Nexus between Economic Empowerment and Human Rights at the World Federation of United Nation Association Human Rights Conference, Bhopal, India. | | | Mr. Rhys Roberts FIA MAICD Director, Business-Corporate
1. Legal Division The Legal Division focuses on high stakes, superior court, game changing, investigative litigation, including public interest and Government litigation, particularly against Government decisions, often opposed to lawyers acting on behalf of the Government including national and international law firms and lawyers at ASIC. We often act in the most delicate confidential matters where reputational damage and the most significant issues are at play. Appeals to Courts of Appeal and the High Court.
Mr Roberts structures and leads the litigation team, a team effort involving lawyers working with experts, investment advisers, lobbyists and the communications team is integral to the great successes. Roberts Gray Lawyers is a pioneer of Agile Law. Through his invention of Agile Law, Roberts Gray Lawyers has access to 173 legal and non legal experts Australia wide, not readily available anywhere else. The team is currently winning and resolving the largest and most complex litigation matters in Australia. Roberts Gray Lawyers routinely achieves the impossible, winning cases and resolving disputes others claim are impossible.
The division has achieved positive outcomes globally, including the largest settlement results in Australian history for public law government matters, insurance, defamation, banking, personal injury, mining and employment disputes and significant success resolving the hardest fought matters where stakes are high. 2. Government Relations, Lobbying and Strategic Communications Division. RGL has advised on, and closed, significant inbound cross border transactions for large overseas investment into Australia. 3. Corporate Advisory Division RGL has advised on major global deals, particularly cross border inbound transactions. Leaders in Agile Law Mr Roberts is responsible for the overall direction and growth of RGL, including key client relationships and building international partnerships. Mr Roberts has been on the board of large international businesses and global charities and has advised and assisted with resolving disputes and closing deals for politicians, business leaders and celebrities in 33 countries.
Mr Roberts graduated from the Harvard University Leadership in Law Firms (LLF) program for senior law firm leaders and completed the program on campus at Harvard Law School in Boston in 2018 and graduated from The Harvard University Advanced Management Program (AMP) with full alumni status of HBS in 2021.
 | | | Roshani Shenazz Nadirshah
Director - GDF Unity in Diversity, India
Founder - WHOLEistic Wellbeing Pvt. Ltd.
And Meher Roshani Foundation - Mumbai, India www.wwpl.in http://meherroshanifoundation.org/ Roshani Shenazz is an approved Therapist by the IPHM (International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine). She is a best selling Author of her 1st book Angels Speak and is a Wholeistic Living Spiritual Coach, Mentor and Empowerist, who conducts Spiritual Growth Workshops, Seminars, Book Readings, Meditations, Retreats etc., through self Founded, Spiritual Wholeistic Living ™Centre “Sparkling Angels Wholeistic Living & Holistic Healing.” In the second innings of her inspirational life, Roshani Shenazz conducts Spiritual Growth/Inner Potential Workshops, Seminars, Retreats, Meditations, and Sessions, in India and across the World. Her Angel Soul Therapy Practitioner and other Integrated Healing and Transformational workshops are deep rooted intensive work done at a core level. A dynamic 23 years in media and films, where she worked for some of the biggest names in TV and the Indian Film Industry was interrupted by an unfortunate prolonged illness compounded by sheer medical negligence during 2005-2006, which got her temporarily immobilized waist downwards. Financially broke and living with her then 85 years old Father, she later sold her home to repay medical debts. Many other closures of her life, followed thereafter. What stayed with her were implicit faith, fortitude, courage and determination to rise above it all. Interactions with two faith healers during her seeming illness and later an Angel book from a friend and the Charles Virtue Angel workshop in 2010, made Roshani more cognizant of the intervention of these powerful beings in human lives. Trusting her intuition despite financial obstacles, she quit a dream job to embark on her spiritual journey to enthuse people unveil their own divine potential and recognize the same in others. Transformation followed and still continues with Roshani inspiring many lives across the Globe to live their fullest potential and be inspired and empowered Universal Citizens. Roshani Shenazz is also the Founder of Meher Roshani Foundation, Mumbai. She has served as a Sr. Faculty – Producing, and is affiliated with The Whistling Woods International, the premium world acclaimed Film School in Mumbai, India. She is also affiliated with Institutions like; The Thadomal Shahani Centre for Management, and the Institutions under the HSNC Board, The Rotary Club (City Chapters), The REX Global Fellowship and and the REX Speakers Bureau. She is the UN ICongo REX Global Fellow and Karmaveer Bronze and Silver Chakra Awardee; a Member at the – Unity in Diversity World Civil Society (UNAOC) – India Chapter and Global Dialogue Foundation and Mentee at – The Cherie Blaire Foundation, besides many other prestigious associations and collaborations. |
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