| | Administrative Board of Directors
| | Peter (Pece) Gorgievski Director-General Chairman & C.E.O Peter is a humankind enthusiast devoted to humanitarian progress. He is a global citizen. Peter's greatest passion and focus is creating a culture of peace throughout the world. He is co-founder of GDF, Global Shipment and Unity in Diversity. Brief History: Global Dialogue Foundation 2018-Current: Chairman & C.E.O. 2007-17: Director-General & C.E.O. 2013-Current: Director, The OCAM Group P/L • OCAM Global Logistics • OCAM 4x4 Accessories
2011-14: Founding Vice Chairperson & Secretary - CL Network Vic Inc. / Whittlesea Community Leadership Network (WCLN) - WCLN is a not-for-profit community association working under auspices of the City of Whittlesea. It provides leadership training and capacity building via access to resources for community-based organisations and cultural and ethnic groups. WCLN facilitates intercultural dialogue and integration with mainstream society. 2001-07: Managing Director, DGX-Asia Pacific. Jointly establishing and developing new companies in several countries. 1999-01: Vice President, Direct Container Line/NACA Logistics-FE Asia, stationed in Hong Kong and Singapore. 1992-99: Direct Container Line-Melbourne, held various positions including State Manager. | | | Maya Shahani - Vice Chairperson Governing Board Member of the Bombay Mothers' and Children Welfare Society ( www.bmcws.com) Chairperson, of the Justice H.K. Chainani Elder's Home. Maya fulfills her duties with compassion, love and commitment. | | | Mike Handcock - Senior Director From a background as a financial planner, senior manager of New Zealand's largest financial institution and Master Wealth Coach for XL Results Foundation, the leading entrepreneur organization in the world Mike Handcock is an innovator, author, musician and professional international speaker and coach. He has written six books including a best seller nominated for self improvement book of the year. His books are available in 6 countries. Mike has spoken and coached more than 30,000 people in twenty countries. He has been called Asia's leading Edu-Tainer and one of the Top Ten Coaches in Asia Pacific. He consistently scores over ten out of ten on the quality of his coaching.
With a background in senior management for a leading corporate, Mike is an entrepreneur. He currently owns no less than five businesses globally and is a board member of SAGE Foundation committed to assisting underprivileged children in India. Mike is a passionate musician with nine albums to his credit and is a life member and master wealth coach of XL Results Foundation now the world's largest entrepreneur network. Rock Your Life- is driven by Mike's passion to assist others to play a bigger game for themselves and the planet through attaining wealth,purpose and to have an extraordinary life, with a social conscience. It is an incredible life shaping experience that combines music, education and philosophy. | | | Andrew Cass - Treasurer-General Since graduating in 1983 with a degree in Accounting, Andrew's professional life has encompassed the provision of financial advice to individuals and businesses of varying size. In 1994, Andrew established the accounting practice Cambel Cass (Melbourne), to continue and expand his involvement in the finance industry through the provision of a quality and timely advice. In more recent years Andrew has endeavored to increase his involvement in local community based organizations that require the assistance of professionals without the associated cost. | | | Iliana Schmatelka, MBA - Deputy Director-General Vice President - Business/Corporate Country: Austria Organization: INTLI, International Leadership Institute 2012 - Present: Founder & Managing Director Strategic consulting, Business Coaching, Interim and change management, Training and workshops Education: Master of economics University of Economics, Sofia, Master Diploma, 1. US MBA Diploma (AACSB accredited) 2. EMBA Diploma Carlson School of Management – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Executive Academy - Austrian University of Economics, Vienna Previous: October 201 - ongoing: Senior Adviser - Mattig Management Partners, Vienna, Austria www.mattig-management.at August 2011 - ongoing: Freelance senior finance consultant: M27 Finance GmbH, Vienna www.m27.eu 2009 - 2011: General Manager Immorent Slovakia and the Slovakian subsidiaries of S IMMO AG and Immorent AG (more than 20 companies) Read full profile | Science & Technology - Research & Development | | Mihajlo (Michael) Najdovski - Director Biotechnology graduate, currently working as a Microbiologist for one of the worlds leading pharmaceutical companies in the plasma industry. With a strong interest in genetics and life extension techniques, Michael will be undertaking further studies in the field of Biomolecular principles. Michael is also a strong believer in well-being and disease prevention through proper eating habits and an active lifestyle. He has commenced his further Biotechnology/ Bio-molecular studies. He is co-founder of GDF/GDI, Global Shipment and Unity in Diversity. -In my lifetime, I want to see a world where people are treated equally, where people who have give to people who don't, where more capable nations help those less fortunate ones - without a hidden agenda. A world united, without borders, race, religious conflicts and a monetary system that cripples nations and holds back anything that won't profit a certain few insatiable autocrats. We are all the same, when this is realised and we begin to work together as one rather than compete as many, we will achieve advancement beyond our belief.-
 | | | Dr. Ilija Najdovski PhD Nanotechnology - Director Ilija Najdovski completed his undergraduate Bachelor of Science in 2006 at RMIT University in the field of Nanotechnology (major in chemistry) and a First Class Honours in Applied Chemistry researching gold nanoparticles in sensing the following year. Following his honours, Ilija completed his PhD in materials science focusing on electrochemical fabrication of metallic micro- and nanostructures and their applications in catalysis and sensing with results published in international journals. Ilija has experience within both academia and industry; working for an international biotechnology company and at RMIT University where he supervises post-graduate students, lectures in batteries, supercapacitors and assists with hydrogen fuel cell research. He is interested in future technological advancements in the fields of renewable energy and medical devices. He is co-founder of GDF/GDI, Global Shipment and Unity in Diversity. “If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed” - Albert Einstein | | | Dr. Vasko M. Najdovski - Founder Former Chief Executive Coordinator-General Former Chairman - GDF Administrative Board of Directors Former WCS President - Global Presidency Former Chairman United Civilizations Dr. Vasko M. Najdovski is trained as a medical doctor in his native Macedonia. He worked as a medical doctor in Macedonia and in Australia. He is the founder of Global Dialogue Foundation and various other organizations in Australia and abroad through which he expresses over 20 years of active humanitarian and philanthropic work. Working in this area, Dr. Najdovski developed a model with 3 major sectors for modernizing, transforming, remodeling and strengthening the global governance through UN systems. The model incorporates an "organized" civil sector on local, regional and global levels. Through dialogue and citizen diplomacy, which was widely used by Dr. Najdovski, it will help strengthen and pave paths for developing law and order in the wider community, coming from the needs of ordinary citizens, faiths, cultures and civilizations in years to come. Using "Dialogue" as a means towards the future, Dr Najdovski's work aims at building pathways and increased awareness for cooperation and dialogue among humans, nations, cultures, civilizations, religions, science and religion, also building bridges for cooperation, understanding and friendship. Also, working towards a brighter and safer sustainable environment while protecting our planet and opening wide avenues for space exploration and inhabiting space for common good. Dr. Najdovski has researched and written widely on bio-energy and bio- energy therapy over many years. At present, his focus and interest is scientific research and new technologies, particularly in the area of Bio-energy. He is promoting and initiating dialogue among faith and reason, where Bio-energy/Bio-energy Science will be a 'vehicle' for establishing long-awaited friendly dialogue among science and religion and bringing their thoughts closer for common good. Also, based on his 20+ years research and experience in the bio-energy/healing field, to offer mankind ground breaking/cutting-edge technologies. |
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