GDF - Leader in creating and shaping our world as Unity in Diversity inclusive societies
Home of the "Unity in Diversity Dialogues" brand
in Creating Brotherhood of Compassionate Societies & Culture of Peace | Increasing awareness and cooperation for the common good. The Unity in Diversity project initiates, promotes and fosters dialogue among the following sectors: - Government and non-government institutions and organizations
- Cultures, civilizations, traditional faiths and religions
- Corporate and business
- Environment -climate change
- Civil sector
Key objectives: - Opening new and wider avenues for closely learning about each others' identities, customs, traditions, faiths and beliefs
- Strengthen and establish a peaceful and safer co-existence
- Progress towards a balanced and sustainable development of humankind
|  | Unity in Diversity is essential for achieving humankind's goal of inhabiting the planet as a safer and brighter place to live. Peace and harmony with self and nature ensures protecting bio-diversity and environment, while opening the paths for space exploration and colonization. I.e., inhabiting the Universe. As brothers and sisters from beautiful planet Earth, the Unity in Diversity project aims to demonstrate that "dialogue" is the one and only way towards a brighter future, uniting all of humankind as one. That is, all people regardless of their beliefs, culture, citizenship etc., united in their common good. Global Dialogue Foundation (GDF) is therefore initiating, promoting and fostering cooperation among the global community. As we are all the same - believers and members of various religions,faiths, cultures, civilisations and as ordinary citizens - all at once, the development of humankind and planet Earth as universal goals are both interrelated and interdependent. We consider that the need to intimately know one-another requires each of the following: - Remembering and celebrating our past. Living with happiness in the present. Creating a brighter future for all, while maintaining the identity of each citizenship, culture, faith/religion, i.e., each belonging & glory;
- Dialogue among traditional faiths/religions, i.e., spiritual and belief systems - for identifying unique pathways towards their unifying aspects. Also, for maintaining healthy lifestyle, morals and ethics among humankind with each person being a truly unique guardian of morality and longevity. Promoting mind/body meditative relaxation and healthy food, fasting, diets for the coming world of change, where a new way of living and behaving means helping each other like true brothers and sisters and maintaining one's own identity and safe environment for the new world order, common positive progress and the safety of our next generations;
- Dialogue among civil sector / non-government organisations (NGO's) - promoting and demonstrating the true benefits of helping each other in an increasingly interdependent and mixed world. Together, developing unique and universal models for coordinating and improving environmental and humanitarian activities on both local and global levels, via UN systems;
- Dialogue among government organisations and institutions from various parts of the world with civil sector and NGO's. Maintaining active interconnection for the betterment of their own; new, old, loyal and ordinary citizens who are in the same time and place; believers, members of different cultures and faiths/religions and members of organisations- humanitarian, environmental, business/corporate sector etc. Governments are encouraged to research and find unique models for improving their cooperation with citizens in this time of change for common good and to coordinate their activities on both local and global levels via UN systems;
The above are key reasons for promoting the need and value of dialogue for a brighter and safer tomorrow - a new day for all, in this part of the world and at the same time, for all on this planet. Finally, East can shake hands with West for the common good and for a brighter and safer future for the planet and all it's citizens and their future generations - here on earth and later in the Universe. Finding real solutions for living together with firm moral and ethical standards, i.e., universal laws, healthy mind/body/soul lifestyle is more then a need. It's a must! GDF is inspiring and initiating paths for this noble goal to be realised as a masterpiece of us all - ordinary citizens of this beautiful planet Earth. GDF PREFERRED / RECOMMENDED LINKS - Global Dialogue Initiative
- UN Gen Assembly President 15 September 2009
- New General Assembly President opens session with call for UN reform
- Strengthening the U.N System of Global Governance While Balancing Progressive Development of the World and Humankind Through Civil Society - Project source: Global Dialogue Initiative
- Project Pacific (Small Islands Issues); Global Shipment
- "The Dialogue of Cultures: New Avenues for peace", UNESCO Feb. 2010
- Intercultural dialogue is a must in ever more connected world, Ban says
- Turning Interreligious Dialogue Into Action
- Speech by GDF Hon. Chair, KK Bose at the Inaugural "Unity in Diversity" Forum
- General Assembly President stresses central role of UN in global governance
- Nelson Mandela Prize - Awarded to President Sampaio & Helena Ndume, Read articles 1, 2, 3,
- GDF Open Forum: Melbourne, Victoria. Northcote Town Hall - October 2011, Starts GDF Unity in Diversity - World Civil Society Event report, Video, Photo
- 4th UNAOC Forum Doha, December 2011 - UNAOC & GDF Signing Memorandum of Understanding, Read more Photo album
- Nelson Mandela Prize, Read more, Nelson Mandela Foundation, Nelson Mandela Day
- 25-5-2011 - Diaspora, Diplomacy & Development
- 13-6-2015 - Hillary focusses on an 'inclusive America' in campaign rally
- Diasporas in Australia:Launch of Australian Research Council Report
- Education crucial to engender a ?culture of peace,? UN of?cials stress at General Assembly
- Post Conflict Macedonia - Inclusive Society Model
21 Dec 2012. UPDATED 16 Jan 2015. Read more -
25 Feb 2013 - Whittlesea Community Leadership Network Victoria Inc. (WCLN) Launch Day (Melbourne-Australia) - 11 Mar 2013 - UNAOC - Engaging with Civil Society to Work More Effectively in Promoting Dialogue and Understanding
- 2 Apr - 2013 - Revitalization can ensure General Assembly becomes ?parliament of nations? ? President...
- 9 Apr - 2013 - Meeting in Vatican, Secretary-General and Pontiff discuss... Read more
- 27 July 2013 - Pope's Address to Brazilian Leaders... Read more
- 2 August 2013 - Francis Personally Signs Ramadan Message: Speaks of Respect as Common Value for Muslims, Christians... Read more
- 3 Aug 2013 - International Day of Friendship an occasion to inspire peace, build trust ?UN Chief... Read more
- 21 Aug 2013 - Promoting global South cooperation key for agricultural development, ending hunger ? UN official
- 3 Oct 2013 - States, civil society embarking on new partnership, says UN Assembly President
- 28 Nov 2013 - Pope Says Diversity Is Key to Peaceful Coexistence
- 23 Dec 2013 - Historic? accord at UN forum moves Asia-Pacific countries towards regional economic community
- 9 Jun 2014 - Invocations of Peace By Pope, Presidents of Israel and Palestine,
Addresses of Presidents of Israel and Palestine Address of Pope Francis - June 18, 2014 - US Bishops, Iranian Religious Leaders Make Joint Declaration on Life, Dignity
- 29 Jun 2014 - Pope Francis' Address to Delegation from the Patriarchate of Constantinople
- 28 Jul 2014 - Papal first: Francis visits Pentecostal church
- 24 Jul 2014 - Remarks of H. E. Mr. Nassir Al Nasser The High Representative of the UN Alliance of Civilizations Roundtable with CTED and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation
- 4 Sep 2014 - Pope Meets Former Israeli President Shimon Peres, Jordanian Royal
- 26 Sep 2014 Russian Parliament Ratifies Eurasian Union Treaty
- 10 Apr 2015 - Historic handshake: Obama, Castro meet and greet
- 15 Apr 2013 - General Assembly, in special debate, aims to boost interaction between UN and G20
- May 30 - June 01 2013 - Baku, Azerbaijan, 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue
- (Statement by H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, The UN High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations At The Opening Ceremony)
- (President Ilham Aliyev attended the opening ceremony)
- (Remarks by H.E. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser, the UN High-Representative at the Joint Press Conference in Baku)
- Strengthening the role of Civil Society to promote intercultural dialogue, diversity and inclusion- Baku 2013
- United Nations Alliance of Civilizations GDF Unity in
- Unity in Diversity Peace Garden Thomastown, Melbourne, Australia
- Unity in Diversity Peace Garden Nashville, TN, USA
- Update - Unity in Diversity Peace Garden, Nashville, TN, USA Watch video
- February 21, 2014, NY, USA, UN HQ - UNAOC Informal Meeting: Unity in Diversity ? World Civil Society
Remarks by H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdul Aziz Al-Nasser, The UN High Representative for The Alliance Of Civilizations Read more High Representative: Welcome remarks High Representative: Closing remarks - Washington DC, USA, 13-16 April 2014, Global Donors Forum? - Celebrating Philanthropy In Emerging Economies
Forging Strategic Partnerships at the Global Donors Forum Read more - 7 July 2014 - Inauguration, Unity in Diversity Peace Garden- Nashville, TN, USA Photo album
26. - 14 Jul 2014 - Putin calls for a new world order
- 16 Jul 2014 - Brics group of emerging powers creates development bank, reserve fund
- 01 April 2015 - China-Led Development Bank Gains Global Support; UK, Switzerland Approved As Founding Members
- 6 Aug 2014 - Unity in Diversity World Civil Society - Establishing Initiative Bodies. Word from GDF Founder.
- World Civil Society Presidency Global - World Civil Society Assembly - Members - 05-03-2015 - World Civil Society Consortium - Global Consultative/Advisory Body - 15-03-2015 - World Civil Society General Assembly
- 21 Aug 2014 - Unity in Diversity The UNAOC Sixth Global Forum, Bali
30 Aug 2014 - UN officials hail role of cultural, religious dialogue in advancing peace, development 30 Aug 2014 - CLOSING REMARKS BY H. E. MR. NASSIR ABDULAZIZ AL-NASSER THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE ALLIANCE OF CIVILIZATIONS BEFORE THE MINISTERIAL SEGMENT OF SIXTH UNAOC GLOBAL FORUM - 28 Aug 2014 - Unity in Diversity - Workshop, UN DPI NGO, NY, Read More (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7),
- 7 Oct 2014 - President Obama announces new civil society initiative
- 18 Oct 2014 - President Ivanov Awarded Crans Montana Forum?s Prix de la Fondation 2014
- 7-12-2014 - In Turkey, Pope Francis Advocates Dialogue in Battling ?Fanaticism?
- 7-12-2014 - Pope Francis prays alongside Grand Mufti in Istanbul?s Blue Mosque
- 7-12-2014 - Pope Francis Bows, Asks For Blessing From Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew In Extraordinary Display Of Christian Unity
- 7-12-2014 - "...This is the path of peace: dialogue..." His Holiness Pope Francis - Catholic, Muslim Leaders Join Together to Promote Peace
- 16-12-2014 - GDF Founder Message To The World 1992/1993 - 2013/2014
- 19 May 2015 - GDF Presentation: 3rd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue, Baku. Dialogue as Global Trust Building Shaping Common Global Agenda
- 1 June 2015 - June Celebrated as Immigrant Heritage Month in US
- 1 Sep 2015 - Unity in Diversity - World Civil Society Featured at the 2015 NGO Conference at the United Nations: Towards a Planetary Citizen?s Assembly, View image gallery
- 27-31 Jul 2015 - Symposium, Unity in Diversity - World Civil Society, View image gallery
- 18 Sept 2015 - Pope Francis: Church Needs Religious Who Bridge the Gap Between Science and Faith
- 25 Oct 2015 - Pope Francis - Transcript: Read the Speech Pope Francis Gave to the United Nations - TIME
- 25-10-2015 - GDF Founder Message To The World, Read more
- 20-11-2015 - God's Design Written in Nature, Says Pope
- 21-11-2015 - Security council unanimously calls on UN members to fight Isis
- 18 Oct 2014 - Urban Future
- 7-12-2014 - NASA Journey to Mars
11. 02. 2016 - Ecumenism and Interreligious dialogue - Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Leader Will Meet to Utter ?Mutual Cry for Peace?, Read more pdf1 pdf2 14. 03. 2016 - Queen Urges Inclusivity In Commonwealth Speech, Read more - 15.01.2016 - Global Peace Initiative 2015 held, Maya Shahani-Awardee Global Peace Initiative 2015
Link pdf, Source link  MAYA SHAHANI - WINNER OF GLOBAL PEACE INITIATIVE AWARD 2015 Unity in Diversity - World Civil Society, India Launch Press releases, various dates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 7th UNAOC Global Forum, BAKU "Living Together In Inclusive Societies: A Challenge and A Goal" Al-Nasser Closing Remarks at the 7th UNAOC Global Forum in Baku During Youth Event of the 7th UNAOC Global Forum young leaders will shape Narratives of Tomorrow for Inclusive Societies FROM GDF FOUNDER  GDF UNITY IN DIVERSITY - CREATING GLOBAL INCLUSIVE SOCIETY & CULTURE OF PEACE 15.01.2017 - Read more On November 28 2017 the second day of his Apostolic Journey to Myanmar Pope Francis met the country’s 17 religious leaders ... “We are brothers ” he stressed ... Each of the participants took to the floor briefly. According to a Holy See press release the main theme was that of unity in diversity. Posted December 07. 2017 - Read more FOR MANKIND Posted April 14 2018 - Read more 1, 2, 3, Abu Dhabi: Historic Document Signed by Pope Francis and Grand Imam of Al-Azhar "A DOCUMENT ON HUMAN FRATERNITY FOR WORLD PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHER" Higher Committee Meets on Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together United Civilizations™ (UC) Initiative Opens Global HQ in Mumbai India 7 Oct 2019 - Read more Our civilization, culture and languages convey the message of unity in diversity to the whole world: PM Modi during Mann Ki Baat Posted 1.12.2019 - Read more Human Fraternity Document Committee Gives Message of Pope & Grand Imam to UN Secretary General in New York ...The message proposes that 4 February be declared World Day of Human Fraternity and asks the United Nations to participate, together with the Holy See and Al-Azhar, in the organization, in the near future, of a World Summit on Human Fraternity. ... The Pope of Rome, the Grand Imam of Cairo, and the official World Day of Fraternity Posted 7 Mar 2021 Read more  General Assembly Declares International Day of Human Fraternity Posted 7 Mar 2021 Read more
UNITY IN DIVERSITY GLOBAL DIALOGUE VISION A GLANCE INTO THE FUTURE OUR VISION is to initiate, promote and establish permanent GLOBAL DIALOGUE SUMMITS in both East and West regions of the World. The brave and progressive initiatives and conferences on Dialogue among Civilizations, Cultures, Faiths and Religions organized and promoted by Vatican, Spain, Macedonia ( 1), ( 2), ( 3), ( 4), ( 5), ( 6) Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan...UN, and the establishment of " Alliance of Civilizations" within the UN system of Governance is acknowledged, supported and hailed by GDF. Since then, our aim is to promote, initiate and increase awareness of the need for similar noble meetings and gatherings among intellectuals, faiths, business leaders, Government and Non-Government organizations, civil and corporate/business sectors in this part of the world. We see a future where gatherings for Dialogue on issues of concern will be held like an "Olympic Games for Dialogue" and all conclusions, initiatives and similar opinions important for global community are addressed to the Alliance of Civilizations and UN DPI-NGO, i.e. the UN. In this manner, the UN will be a real and right place for Universal Global Dialogue and the global engine for driving this planet and Mankind towards a better and safer future for all - tracing paths for space travelers. The path towards Universe and Light.  | UNDERSTAND AS YOU WANT TO BE UNDERSTOOD HELP AS YOU WANT TO BE HELPED RESPECT AS YOU WANT TO BE RESPECTED |  |